• “Important years. Why you shouldn’t put off your life until later. ” Mag Jay

Quote from the book: “I’m over 20 years old. Sitting in a restaurant, I realized that I had nothing to tell about myself. Nothing is interesting in my resume. In fact, I don’t have a decent resume. I don’t have a loved one. I don’t even know what I’m doing in this city. ”

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Clinical psychologist Mag J’s book is already a bestseller, and we understand why. Hundreds of millions of young people aged 20-30 do not know what to do with them. Mag Jay considers this decade to be the most important in human life. This is the time when each of us builds our own identity capital. It turns out that it is not at all necessary to rush to live, but the psychologist does not recommend standing still, because what you do at the age of 20-30 will have an impact on your future career, personal growth, brain development, and relationships with people.

Anyone who does not understand whether to start a family or not to rush and concentrate on a career, choose a profession for life or try himself in different fields, work 24/7 or burn out youth to the fullest, Recommended reading.

  • Country of Opportunities. Roma Bordunov

Quote from the book: ” I’ve been here for three years in this Moscow, my classmates are now working, they are sent on business trips to all sorts of Barcelona, ​​and me? Who are all these beautiful people from Instagram, what do they eat and travel for? ”

About hungry students, uninteresting jobs, and a desire to understand what you want to do in life. Roma Bordunov is a popular comedian, blogger, and journalist. He has already worked as a loader, waiter, Santa Claus, realtor, journalist, and SMM. “I don’t want to be anyone at all, and I don’t want to be anyone,” he writes.

For those who are tired of meaningless internships, not enjoying the job, and not knowing where to go. Growing up sucks, but what can you do.

  • “The subtle art of indifference. A paradoxical way to live happily. ” Mark Manson

Quote from the book: “We can be truly successful only in what we want to fail. If we are not ready for failure, then we do not need success too much.”.

Books that promise to teach happiness are usually pretty commonplace and useless. “You can do it”, “work and everything will work out” and stuff like that. Popular blogger Mark Manson thinks differently. Obsession with the positive and incessant optimism only harms us and makes us fixate on what we have failed to achieve.

For those who are tired of motivating posts on Instagram, want to understand what is really important and find out why failure is also good.

  • “The head is like a sieve. Why include brains in the era of gadgets and Google ”. William Poundstone

Quote from the book: “The real danger is not that the internet makes us less knowledgeable or sometimes misinformed. Perhaps it makes us methane-ignorant – we know less and less about our ignorance. ”

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Now you can google everything. You don’t need to know what year the Hundred Years War ended, who was the first president of the United States, or the name of the author of Vanity Fair. All you need to do is open a browser, enter a question in the search bar and press one button. But William Poundstone doesn’t quite agree with this. He cites statistics and surveys of ordinary Americans and points out the connection between various fields of knowledge and the quality of life of people.

For those who want to understand why he needs to cram the dates in history, to know that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and to study the philosophy of Nietzsche.

  • “Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and vice versa)”. Andy Warhol

Quote from the book: “If a person is not considered beautiful, he can still be successful if he has a few jokes in his pocket. And lots of pockets. ”

In his autobiographical philosophy, Andy Warhol writes about fame, gray hair, and work. A witty book in which an artist talks to you about simple issues that interest each of us – relationships with parents, hated acne, and loneliness.

For those interested in the life of an iconic American artist and founder of Pop Art.

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