A rhetorical question that no one can answer unequivocally. Not important if you ask the trainee or the CEO. This is one of the most common types of employee crises. Relationship in which you can’t push a button or take a pill, and that’s for sure will work.

We have gathered expert opinions and tips to help you handle this situation if you encounter it.

Let’s start by understanding why people basically shout, rude, get personal, provoke, and then lead themselves, if very briefly, then – inadequate.

People lack education and inner culture.

People do not know how to control themselves in stressful circumstances.

Mental disorders due to which people commit psychological or physical violence against other people. Here we attribute complexes, all kinds of child and adult psychotraumas, personal and social problems, various circumstances with which a person is not able to cope, and spills out his reaction to the outside world.

There are of course many more reasons, but these are the main ones that will help us understand that sometimes if they yell at us, they break down, throw themselves with their fists or insults from colleagues or managers, this does not mean that we stupid, we can’t do basic things, and we urgently need to run along with psychologists, start self-digging, make up for gaps in education, or even start looking for a new job.

But remember, we spend at work the bulk of our life. And if at work we are surrounded by people who allow themselves toxic behavior, we must protect ourselves as much as possible.

How to do it:

Everyone can evaluate their own limitations.

Stop being late, decide your personal questions at work, distract colleagues on trifles with whom you yourself you can figure it out with a little effort. Be nice. Be are contact and friendly not only with higher-ranking employees but also with a downline, it doesn’t matter if you like them or not. Think about where else you have “thin places “, tighten them as much as possible.

Assess your surroundings. The leader is incorrect communicates only with you, or is this his manner and style of leadership?

Here, conclude and act on what matters to you. Find your comfort point. It is important to gain experience in this company and a good line in the resume – ok, you need to hold out for only 3 months, six months, or a year (depending on the duration of your internship or program), then let this tyrant yell at someone another.

Either you have a great cozy office, cool colleagues, interesting tasks, but no luck with the boss. Put a block for himself – he’s just a difficult person, and in general, he’s not personally telling me this, I will not take over.

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Don’t get fooled by provocations and don’t try to take small revenge. It’s just stupid and not constructive. You won’t change the behavior of the leader, but make him angry and negatively attuned directly to yourself.

Have fun with the process. Naturally, not from shouts, but work, interesting creative tasks, professional challenges, big and small victories, self-development.

Get a good salary (if this is your key motivation), and enjoy the opportunity to buy nice things for yourself, or postpone for something global.

Even not very comfortable leaders often have a lot to learn. Take a closer look at what’s in yours. Does a Leader Appreciate Top Management and Peers? What can he do better than others? Pump this experience out of your unpleasant cooperation as much as possible.

If all of the above has no values, and your conflict is at the forefront – write a statement and leave!

Your conditional boss Tamara, or, I don’t know, Peter, you dream at night, he stands in the corner and looks at your back, and as soon as you make a mistake, he points his finger at your monitor and says all hearing – look, everyone, he made a mistake, let’s clap our fool …

At all meetings and brainstorming sessions, Tamara/Peter ridicules and humiliates only your ideas and suggestions. You write caustic posts about Tamara/Peter in your social networks, your friends have already stopped responding to your messages, because your Tamara or Peter comes to them in their dreams, and looks from the corner. Congratulations, you have a disorder and possible breakdown of the personality, and you urgently need to run away from your “tormentor”, which may not exist, you just inflated its importance in your life to an incredible extent.

Absolutely serious. If you fixated on a conflict and cannot find a point of comfort, work on mistakes did not help, everything annoys you, everything falls out of hand, the salary is small, there is no development, but you have to go to the office through the whole city through traffic jams, and why do you need this job? What will it bring you useful? Update your resume and write a statement.

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